Orgone pendant with larimar


Larimar is an extremely useful spiritual stone that acts on the upper chakras. It connects us with the divine and the physical world around us. It brings inner wisdom and outer manifestation. It provides energetical support to our immune system and protects us from external energy intrusions of all forms.

  • Larimar is a spiritual stone that connects the sixth and crown chakras and  activates the third eye.
  • The vibration of the crystal will open the door to the energy of a divine femminine with whom you will be able to calm and heal your emotions and old traumas.
  • It helps men to find a balance between feminine and masculine energy.
  • Larimar improves communication and emotional intelligence.
  • It releases trapped emotions and blockages that stop us from growing and developing.
  • Energetically stone treats the whole immune system, especially inflammation and pain.
  • It energetically supports the lungs, heart, throat, pharynx, eyes and brain.
  • For people who care about blood pressure, colds, infections of all kinds, and psychological challenges.
  • It can be placed directly in a place that needs additional energy support.
  • It will help you in finding your mission and the path of your soul.


The orgone pendant is a very special piece of jewelry that harmonizes our biofield. Made on high vibrations by merging selected therapeutic crystals and sacred geometry. They protect us from the influence of negative thoughts and other energies from the environment, and create fresh life energy. They bring us harmony, happiness and self-confidence. 

Orgone jewelry is carefully handcrafted from resin, copper wire, metal particles and quartz crystals.


How to use orgone pendants

  • Wear them as jewelry 
  • We are next to electronic devices – the phone in your pocket or purse
  • Wear it on the part of the body needs energy support or cleaning
  • Take it to an important meeting or meetings
  • do not forget to take it behind the bed
  • during meditation and release
  • Pendants with the help of crystals we can program according to your wishes
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