Atlantis rod of power with precious and semi-precious stones


The Atlantean rod of power contains only the essence of ancient advanced science. The only thing that moves through the energy rod is energy. It works at the exact level of power and efficiency known to the user. As soon as the making of the rod is finished, it begins to operate in passive mode, radiating energy in all directions from the crystal. When the operator directs it by pointing and thinking / visualizing, the blue-white ray of energy reflects in that direction from the point of the crystal at the end. Thought switches the rod from passive radiant energy to active beam energy. The intensity and distance of the beam are determined by a combination of thoughts that amplify the emotions of the individual operator. These tools with crystal energy in the hands of an experienced operator can reach space and time, transforming both energy and matter at the subatomic level. The transformation of radioactive substances into harmless elements is now possible, as is the removal of other harmful substances such as toxic chemicals, dirty air, polluted food and water, even the Earth itself. These transmutations are completely natural processes. The earth will disperse, transform, and purify itself over time; these bars of power merely accelerate normal processes. The crystal power rod is actually a miniature linear accelerator. Its energy also travels through all materials: Earth, wood, metal, concrete and deep space. There are 7 stones on the stick for all 7 chakras. I choose these stones for you based on your natal chart. In addition to the stick, you will also receive a video of how the stick is used and what can be done with it. There are 3 precious and 4 semi-precious stones on the stick.

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